Moonnight Tour at Changdeokgung Palace

This program is a impressive to me, because we are not allowed get in a Palace at night, additionally under full moon.
If I can request I will do it, but this program is only for foreigner.

This program is a simple.
Just walk around a Changdeokgung Palace at night under Full moonlight.
It will take a 2 hour to walk around with guide, you have chance to see Korean traditional music performance and eat Korean traditional snack.

The point of this program is a below.
1. Only Full moon-day, not anyday.
23,24 Sept / 20,21,23,24 Oct / 19, 20, 21 Nov
2. Limited 100 people.
Only 100 people can join this program for one day.
so you have to reserve ASAP if you want to join this program.

This program will be run 20:00~22:00.
Admission fee is 30,000 KRW.

If you have a interest, do not forget reservation.

More detail Information is serving at Website.
Reservation is accept through Website.

You can contact at +82-2-1330 (English, Japanese,Chinese)

moonnight tour at Changdeokgung

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