Public Mask (KF94 & KF80) Sales Out in Korea.

After the spread of corona 19 virus infection in Korea, sales of public masks, which began as a solution to the lack of masks, have ended.

Starting in March, one person could purchase up to two masks a week on a designated day.
Early on, they had to wait a long time to purchase public masks, but as the spread of the Corona 19 virus in Korea decreased, they bought them without waiting.

I also easily bought a public mask at a pharmacy without queuing up on April 20. For your information, I haven’t bought a public mask since then.

From April 27th, the quantity that one person can purchase has increased to three, and from June 1st, it has been changed to allow one person to purchase up to ten masks, regardless of the day of the week.

And on July 12, the sale of the public mask ended.

As the weather heats up, KF-AD Anti Droplet Mask, which is easier to breathe than public masks, is difficult to purchase due to lack of supplies. I haven’t bought it yet.

We wonder if the prices of these KF80 masks and KF94 masks will change in the future as sales of 1,500 won per mask are over.

It is said that people’s opinions should be lowered, but overseas exports are expected to increase further as mask manufacturers have expanded the amount of exportable masks to 50 percent of their manufacturing volume at the end of public mask sales.

Fortunately, mask manufacturers were still in existence in Korea due to fine dust problems. Otherwise, it would have been difficult to stop the spread of the Corona 19 virus with mask imports.

The sale of public masks has been terminated and the distribution of masks will be carried out according to the market in the future. The South Korean government keeps monitoring the situation so that there are no problems, so we have to wait and see.

It is said that the spread of corona 19 virus infection will become worse again in fall due to lower temperatures after summer, and it is agonizing whether KF94 masks should be purchased at this time.

KF-AD Anti Droplet mask for summer started selling.

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