Street of a autumn leaves and a fallen leaves in Seoul

Seoul city has selected 74 streets of a autumn leaves and a fallen leaves.
A Street cleaner will not sweep a fallen leaves these street, a walker can step on fallen leaves about 1 month.

I will select 5 streets that easy to access by tourist, if you have time, enjoy stepping on fallen leaves.

Street of a autumn leaves and a fallen leaves in Seoul

1.  Chunggyecheon
2.  Around of the Gyeongbokgung Palace, and samchungdong
3.  Aroung of the Deoksugung Palace
4.  Namsan Park
5. Seoul Forest

Street of a autumn leaves and a fallen leaves in Seoul

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  1. hi!i would like to visit seoul this coming autumn and experience the changing of leaves color..when is the best time to visit?is it october or november?and maybe you can tell me on what particular week of the month.thanks.we are planning to visit nami island too for panoramic views and pictures.thanks so much!

  2. I think I can tell you best time for autumm leaves October.
    From middle of Oct to bottom of Oct.
    Nami island is a great place, but I like to recomend climb a mountain near by Seoul,
    But you need to think about a crowd.
    Thank u, have good day

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