Sutbul Yangnyeom Chicken – Different kinds of popular chicken in Korea

Introduce other kinds of popular chicken in Korea, Sutbul Yangnyeom Chicken.
It has become a trend to eat chicken with rice with spicy seasoning, and the buzzword “chibap” has emerged.

Sutbul Yangnyeom Chicken

What is a Sutbul Yangnyeom Chicken?

  • Sutbul tells us that chicken was baked in charcoal.
  • Yangnyeom talks about stir-fried charcoal-baked chicken in the seasoning one more time.

Sutbul Yangnyeom Chicken uses boneless chicken as the main ingredient.
It is usually used as chicken leg meat, grilled over charcoal so that the charcoal scent permeates, and then stir-fried in the seasoning, and also stir-fried with rice cakes or peppers.

If you mix rice with the remaining sauce of Sutbul Yangnyeom Chicken, it becomes a hearty meal.

It takes some time for Sutbul Yangnyeom Chicken to come out after ordering due to the cooking method grilled over charcoal and stir-fried again in the seasoning.

Sutbul Yangnyeom Chicken

Sutbul Yangnyeom Chicken Recommend? or Not?

If You can eat something spicy, I’d like to recommend it.
When ordering Sutbul Yangnyeom Chicken, you can choose the degree of spiciness, but even if you choose a non-spicy taste, it can be spicy for foreigners.
It depends on the restaurant, but it’s spicy even if you choose the normal spicy taste.
I think it would be right to think that the non-spicy taste is slightly spicier than the spicy taste of Shin Ramyun.

GCova Chicken is a representative brand of Sutbul Yangnyeom Chicken in Korea.

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