BAEKJE Instant Rice Noodle Anchovy Flavor

Baekje instant rice noodles should be seen as a type of Korean Ramen.
It is a noodle cooked in the same way as Korean cup noodles, and its taste is similar to Janchi Gunku.

BAEKJE Instant Rice Noodle Anchovy Flavor

The composition of BAEKJE Instant Rice Noodle Anchovy Flavor is the same as cup Ramen.
When you open the plastic container, there are noodles and powder soup.

BAEKJE Instant Rice Noodle Anchovy Flavor

Powder soup that tastes like anchovy broth.
Boil dried anchovies and kelp in boiling water to make broth. Anchovy broth made in this way is basically used in various Korean foods.
The taste of this anchovy broth was made into powder soup.

BAEKJE Instant Rice Noodle Anchovy Flavor

Noodles are not made by frying flour, but made of rice. Therefore, it shows a different shape from the noodles of ordinary cup noodles.
I think the amount of anchovy-flavored soup is a little large.

BAEKJE Instant Rice Noodle Anchovy Flavor

Raw materials and contents of BAEKJE Instant Rice Noodle Anchovy Flavor are indicated.
You can wait 4 minutes after pouring boiled water.

BAEKJE Instant Rice Noodle Anchovy Flavor

After 4 minutes, it definitely feels different from ramen.

BAEKJE Instant Rice Noodle Anchovy Flavor

BAEKJE Instant Rice Noodle Anchovy Flavor

Anchovy broth is not spicy or stimulating because it is a basic taste.
The noodles are rice, so they don’t seem to feel good compared to ordinary ramen, but they taste good enough.
I just think it’s a little salty.

I think it’s very good to eat it with Gimbap in the cold winter.
If you are looking for ramen that is not spicy or stimulating, BAEKJE Instant Rice Noodle Anchovy Flavor is recommended.

BAEKJE Instant Rice Noodle Anchovy Flavor Website

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