Paldo Teumsae Ramen – ppalgyetteok

The birth of Teumsae Ramen is a bit unique.

Teumsae Ramen, a ramen restaurant that started operating in Myeongdong, Seoul in 1981.
With the popularity of the extremely spicy ramen menu(ppalgyetteok), the chain stores opened nationwide, and each branch is still open.

This Teumsae Ramen’s ppalgyetteok was released as instant ramen in Paldo.
It’s Teumsae Ramen with the same name.

Paldo Teumsae Ramen - ppalgyetteok

Teumsae Ramen costs about 600 won to 800 won each.
It is printed as the pride of spicy taste.

Paldo Teumsae Ramen - ppalgyetteok

Cooking methods, ingredients, calories, etc. are printed.

Paldo Teumsae Ramen - ppalgyetteok

It is a typical composition of Korean ramen.

Noodles, solid ingredients soup and powder soup.

Paldo Teumsae Ramen - ppalgyetteok

As soon as I put in the powder soup, the spicy scent stings my nose.

Paldo Teumsae Ramen - ppalgyetteok

I think it’s getting spicy.

Paldo Teumsae Ramen - ppalgyetteok

I can’t eat spicy food well, so I put eggs in it.

Paldo Teumsae Ramen

Teumsae ramen is really spicy.
It is ramen that Koreans eat even though it is spicy.
If you can’t eat spicy food well, never try Teumsae Ramen.
You will only feel pain

But if you can eat spicy food well, you will be able to taste the different flavors of Teumsae Ramen, and you will know that Teumsae Ramen is not just spicy ramen.

With the popularity of Teumsae Ramen, Paldo is releasing Teumsae Fried Noodles and Teumsae Kimchi Ramen, etc.

Palo Teumsae Ramen Webpage

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