Chilsung Cider, Korean soda

Chilsung Cider is a Korean soda drink.
It is the second most sold soda in Korea after Coca Cola.

For your information, Cider refers to a colorless soda in Korea.
It doesn’t contain alcohol.

Chilsung Cider is the Korea’s No.1 original carbonated beverage with a long history.
It features lemon lime flavor.
It has been loved by many Koreans as a drink that makes them feel refreshed particularly after exercising.
We will maintain its 3 standards of Pure, Clear, and Caffeine-free.

From LotteChilsung Website

Chilsung of Chilsung Cider refers to seven last names.
[Chil = 7, Sung = last name]

Seven people who founded the company to make Chilsung Cider had different last names.
The company was established in 1949 and the first sale of Chilsung Cider began in 1950.

Chilsung Cider - Korean Soda

Chilsung cider status in Korea

Chilsung Cider had an 80 % share of South Korea’s cider market.

Foreign cider such as sprite and 7-up are also sold in Korea, but they are rarely sold.
It is usually sold as a discount event.

Chilsung Cider is quite familiar to Korean sentiment.
When we go on a train trip, we should eat Chilsung cider and boiled eggs on the train, and when we go on a picnic, we should eat Kimbap and Chilsung cider.
Of course, Koreans don’t always eat like this.

If you visit Korea, please try Chilsung Cider.
Don’t forget McCol, Korea’s unique soft drink.

Chilsung Cider Website

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